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By Connie Giordano

"Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of wait!"
- from More Gathered Gold - A Treasury of quotations for Christians
It is a godly trait that is needed in the Christian walk. Unfortunately, the only way to get it is to go through tribulation of some sort.

Nowadays, we have people who, for various reasons, are falling away from the faith. They are lacking in - as one preacher called it - "Stickability." The first trial that comes along, they are blown away and forsake the Lord.
Why is this happening?
Is it because they were taught that getting saved would solve all of their problems? Then when problems do arise(and they surely will), are they simply overwhelmed?
What were you taught when you first came to Jesus?
Each and every Christian must have a deliberate purpose in life. It most likely should be to live for the glory of God.
Romans 14:8 tells us - "For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: Whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
Is that your purpose in this life? To live for God?
1 Corinthians 6:20 - We must constantly remind ourselves that we are "bought with a price," and we are not our own.
In a world of fast-food restaurants, credit cards, express mail, and internet services, we find that God does not operate according to this world's means. Answers to prayer many times take time. The fruit of the Spirit is not developed in our lives overnight. Maturity or change in people's lives does not happen instantaneously.
It simply takes time. Time requires us to exercise patience. And patience is only produced by our constancy in waiting.
Patience is the characteristic trait in an individual whereby he is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and loyalty to his faith by the greatest trials and sufferings.
It is endurance.
James Moffatt called it "the staying power of life."
It is steadfastness and constancy.
God allows trials to come to test this unswerving purpose to live for the glory of God no matter what.
Are you going to live for God no matter what happens?
Trials will determine this. If this is your purpose, patience will be the result.
In James 1:3, the Apostle James said - "Knowing this, the trying of your faith worketh patience." In other words, understand this - Trials are very necessary in the Christian walk. They produce patience.
The Apostle Paul said something very similar in Romans 5:3 - "...tribulation worketh patience."
How important is patience in our Christian walk?
In Romans 2:7, Paul spoke of a "...patient continuance in well doing..."
With wickedness and ungodliness all around us every day, it is so important that we press onward in spite of it all and determine to live for God anyhow. Like the songwriter said - "Though none go with me, still I will follow..."
In 2 Thessalonians 3:5, Paul spoke of the necessary need for patience in "waiting for Christ." We must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus - the Author and Finisher of our Faith. This world is coming to an end. It  is not our home. We are strangers and pilgrims here. Some day soon, all of our pain and sorrow will be over. We will then stand before the Lord and give an account of our lives.
Jesus promised to come back and take us to heaven with Him. We must keep watching and waiting for that blessed day.
Hebrew 10:36 - The writer of Hebrews spoke of the important role that patience plays in prayer - " have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise."
As already stated, answers to prayer are not always automatic. However, we must never give up praying. Remember - Delay is not denial. We must keep on keeping on. God will see us through. The answer will come. Wait for it!
Hebrews 12:1 - The writer of Hebrews also stated how crucial patience was for running the race set before us. This Christian walk is likened to a race. It requires discipline and temperance.
Do not get out of the race for any reason. Keep on running for the Lord.
Do not be moved by those who are falling out of the race. Keep on running.
In due season, you will reap if you faint not.
In what way do you need patience at this time in your life?
Someone may benefit by your answer.
Don't hesitate to testify for the Lord.
Copyright 2005 by Connie Giordano


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